About The Review
The Forensic Sciences Review tm iis an international, online refereed journal. It is an interdisciplinary archive of knowledge in the applied discipline of forensic sciences. Its mission is to contribute to the scientific and the professional generally accepted understanding of knowledge and practice in the field of applied forensic science.
The Review publishes scholarly theoretical, research, analyses, assessments, methodologies and measurement procedures. These are scrutinized, verified or tested by peers as relying upon the sound principles of the forensic disciplines. Error and potential error rates are described when appropriate.
Forensic sciences include the applied disciplines of behavioral science, medicine, economics, accountancy and engineering.
The Review seeks to add to the fund of information and knowledge in the forensic sciences as they are applied to the resolution of important legal questions. The overarching policy of the Review is to publish articles which reflect ethical and humane standards.
In the Review's schemata, "forensic sciences " is defined broadly to include the subjects of mental health, human behaviour, as well as applied disciplines such as economics, accountancy, medicine, and engineering. "Law" is defined to include the legislative, adjudication and correctional processes. But it may also include quasi judicial and extra judicial adjudication. "Adjudication" includes the spectrum of dispute resolution methods consisting of settlement as well as trial procedures.
"Settlement" may be achieved by methods such as trial, arbitration, mediation, collaboration, facilitation, summary jury trials, and negotiation. Creative, innovative approaches based upon generally accepted, extra- judicial conflict resolution procedures for individuals, corporations and governments will also be considered for publication.
"Trial" includes fact finding by juries, judges, ombudsmen, and mixed panels, whether elected or appointed, of judges and citizen members in national or international forums..
The Forensic Sciences Review tm accepts manuscripts for publication whose content reflects rigorous empirical research, sound theoretical formulations, insightful and useful practice procedures to contribute to the understanding and wise decision making of Triers of Fact
"Practice" consists of both assessment and applications that assist the triers of fact to soundly participate in wise decision making about important legal questions.
The ultimate purpose of the Journal is to contribute to the administration of justice based upon the rigorous methodology, the expert systems and knowledge of the forensic sciences.